Forging on a weekday!

Well, I was able to get to the forge on a Tuesday, and it was wonderful I had plans to work on a cooking set (spoon, fork, spatula) for the cooking table, but my heart was not in it. Instead I decided to make something much more period. A viking griddle or frying pan.


While working on that, i also decided to forge another knife blade (also shown in the picture). There have been several frying pand of this design found throughout the viking range. Here are a few examples of finds:

I will be including more in my documentation of this item, but for now, that is what you get. The handle end was changed to match the other pieces in the Pennsic Cook Table set. I hope to make another one with a more period handle. This will be sent to Mistress Lorelei to further her period cooking in the south. I did not take any in progress pictures, so here is the final product:

As far as the knife goes, there is no extant piece that I am trying to duplicate. More of a general concept of a utility knife. The bar on the left of the blade is the blank that it started as.

At this point the blade has been forged, and ground to shape. I will need to harden it and finish the fine grinding before it is a finished blade. That is what I was able to get done last Tuesday. Hopefully, i will be able to get some more work in this weekend.